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[ Torna indietro ]

Summer Lines now open


We inform our kind customers that on SACA's Booking Site the following Summer Lines are now open:

Bologna - Mirabilandia | Active everyday from June 8th to September 16th
Modena - Mirabilandia | Active everyday from June 2nd to September 16th
Carpi - Mirabilandia | Active on weekends + festives from June 2th to September 16th
Reggio Emilia - Mirabilandia | Active every tuesday and thursday from June 12th to September 13th
Bologna - Gatteo Mare | Active everyday from June 8th to September 16th
Modena - Gatteo Mare | Active everyday from June 2nd to September 16th
Carpi - Gatteo Mare | Active on weekends + festives from June 2th to September 16th
Bologna - Lidi di Comacchio | Active everyday from June 2nd to September 2nd

Book now!
