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SACA Transit Point
Your safe place in Bologna
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Box is the new SACA's logistic platform, composed by a large warehouse of over 1.500 m2 of covered surface, intended for receiving wares or goods to deposit. It'a a strategical place for the containment of transportated wares that, thanks to its particular geographical position - near the centre of Bologna and the entrance of urban bypass, represent a strategical logistic pole, for privates and for companies.

The logistic platform places itself between large-scale retail trade, managed by couriers, and the fragmented supply system realized with private goods transportation.

SACA Box was born with the achievement of answering in concrete way to the needs for retailers' supplies. In fact Bologna's monocentric urban structure limits greatly the possibility for retailers to use spaces like warehouses, considered their high prices too. From here the logical requirement to fulfill frequent, or even daily, refueling for their structures. SACA Box is the ideal proposal for a more rationl use of logistic, able to manage the entire goods/services transportation system, offered not only to retailers, but also to professional studios and private citizens. With Box solution SACA introduces a decrease of the transit of vehicles for third and first party goods transportation.The reaching of this achievement will have a positive repercussion on the price of the services offered and a bigger competitiveness of third party goods transportation. Transportation also done with too old vehicles, dangerous for the health of the environment (an aspect very important for SACA, always in first line in the use of vehicles with small polluting emission).

Book you space calling 051/704085 or sending a mail to !

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